For most families, Halloween produces an overload of sugar and chocolate and other treats. BUT: there can also be apples and oranges and healthy, creative edibles that kids will rave about. We made two super-cute items that were delicious and fun.
Behold, apple-slice smiles and tiny citrus pumpkins!
Apple Smiles
- Red apples, sliced into wedges
- Almond butter, sunflower butter, or peanut butter
- Mini-marshmallows or whole almonds
Tangerine Pumpkins
- “Cuties,” satsuma oranges, or tangerines (seedless)
- Pieces of celery cut to look like stems. Can also use green pepper, spinach leaf, or almond.
Apple Smiles
- Take two narrow apple slices and apply almond butter to the inside surfaces. Use it to “glue” five mini-marshmallows near the peel to look like teeth.
- Eat. Repeat.
Tangerine Pumpkins
- Peel the fruit, being careful not to separate sections. With your finger, hollow out a little space down the middle to place the “stem.”
- Eat. 🙂
More Information
(One of the cutest things I’ve seen in class: a little girl had just lost a tooth. She made an apple smile, and took out one marshmallow “tooth” – and her smile matched her creation! Hilarious.}
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