Hard-Boiled Ghosts

I was trying to come up with something for Halloween that hadn't been done before - something cute and healthy, but unique.  This idea came to me when I was staring into the fridge, and saw a box of delicious organic hard-boiled eggs from Costco. "What if we could gently melt a slice of cheese over an egg, letting it drape over the top?" I pondered. "Would it look like a little rotund ghost? Could we add pretzel arms and little eyes?" The answer was yes! And here was the result, below. They are kinda cute, and they actually taste delicious! This is a simple recipe, requiring just three or four ingredients and a short twirl in the microwave. There are some tricks to this treat, however -- you have to watch very closely as you melt the cheese.  It should take 5 to 7 seconds to create a yummy cloak of cheese over the top of the egg -- more, and it could turn into a bubbling puddle on the plate.
20 min


  • 1 peeled, hard-cooked egg per person
  • 1 slice white cheese, such as Swiss, Jack, Munster or Gouda (sandwich-size slices, square or round) per person
  • Dab of mayonnaise, if desired
  • Pretzel sticks
  • Black gel icing in a tube to make eyes, if desired  (or use pretzel bits)


Slice a tiny bit from the bottom of the egg so it will sit flat on a microwaveable plate.

Put a small dab (1/4 tsp) of mayo on top of the egg, if desired

Lay the sliced cheese over the egg, and gently center it. Try not to crack the cheese slice. You could cut slits in the sides to make it drape more easily.

Place in the microwave on 50% power for 5-6 seconds at a time, watching closely as the cheese begins to soften. When it drapes over the egg in soft folds, take it out immediately.

Allow a few seconds to cool, and then add pretzel arms, hair, antennae, or whatever!

Last, add two gel icing eyes and other features if desired (such as eyebrows, and an “O” shaped mouth).

Then eat! The egg should be eaten in several bites, NOT all at once.

More Information

Recipe by Laura Kaufman


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